Which Pyarmor License is right for me?
How many Pyarmor Licenses I need purchase?
How to use Pyarmor License in local devices/cloud server/vm etc.?
How to use Pyarmor License in CI/CD pipeline or docker container?
How to fix registering Pyarmor License issues?
digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] start [shape="doublecircle", label="", style="filled", fillcolor="wheat"] subgraph P0 { rankdir="TB" style="setlinewidth(0)" s1 [label="Error: update license token failed"] s2 [label="Error: out of license"] s3 [label="Try to obfuscate hello-world script"] s4 [label="Try to obfuscate by default options"] s5 [label="Remove local configuration\nRename .pyarmor/config\nTry to obfuscate the script"] s31 [label="Comment some lines in script\nFind exact problem lines"] } subgraph P1 { node [ style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", ] n1 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/solutions.html#fix-register-issue" label="Please check how to fix registering issues"] n2 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/licenses.html" label="Please check Pyarmor Licenses"] n3 [href="https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/issues" label="Reprot issue in Github\nThe minimum options to reproduce the bug\nCode snapshort which results in problem\nFull traceback"] n4 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/man.html#pyarmor-gen" label="Please check Pyarmor man page\nUnderstand the right usage for each option"] n5 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/solutions.html#fix-bootstrap-issue" label="Please check how to fix Pyarmor bootstrap issuses"] nr [href="https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/issues" label="Report issue in Github\nThe minimum options to reproduce this issue\nThe simplest script without third-party package"] } start -> s1 -> s2 -> s3 -> s4 -> s5 -> nr s31 -> n3 rank=same { s1 -> n1 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s2 -> n2 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s3 -> s31 [label="Works"] } rank=same { s4 -> n4 [label="Works"] } rank=same { s5 -> n5 [label="Error"] } }
Fix generating obfuscated scripts issues¶
digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] start [shape="doublecircle", label="", style="filled", fillcolor="wheat"] s1 [label="Do not obfuscate the scripts\nPack plain scripts by PyInstaller directly\nMake sure the final bundle works"] s2 [label="Do not use option --pack\nOnly obfuscate the scripts\nMake sure it works"] s3 [style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topic/repack.html" label="Please check topic `insight into packing`"] start -> s1 -> s2 -> s3 }
Fix packing script issues¶
digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] start [shape="doublecircle", label="", style="filled", fillcolor="wheat"] subgraph P0 { rankdir="TB" style="setlinewidth(0)" s1 [label="Is build device same as target device?"] s2 [label="Is Python major.minor version to obfuscate the script same as\nPyarmor major.minor version to run the obfuscated scripts?"] s3 [label="Is it raising exception message?"] s4 [label="If RFT mode is enabled\nTry to disable RFT mode\nDoes it work?"] s5 [label="If BCC mode is enabled\nTry to disable BCC mode\nDoes it work?"] s6 [label="If any restrict options are used\nTry to remove these options\nDoes it work?"] s7 [label="If any third-party library is used\nTry to test one hello-world script\nDoes it work"] s8 [label="If Python is alpha or rc version\nTry to upgrade Python"] s1 -> s2 -> s3 s4 -> s5 -> s6 -> s7 -> s8 } start -> s1 subgraph P1 { node [ style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", ] n1 [ href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/advanced.html#generating-cross-platform-scripts" label="Please check cross-platform solutions"] n2 [ href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/advanced.html#support-multiple-python-versions" label="Please use same Python major.minor version to obfuscate the scripts\nIf need support multiple Python version\nPlease check this link"] n3 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/errors.html" label="Please check error message table to find solution"] n4 [style=rounded label="Try to add print statement in scripts\nFind the problem lines"] n5 [href="how-to.html#graph-fix-runtime-crash-issue" label="Please check how to fix crashing issue"] n6 [ href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topic/rftmode.html" label="Please check topic `insight into RFT mode`"] n7 [ href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topic/bccmode.html" label="Please check topic `insight into BCC mode`"] n8 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/man.html#pyarmor-gen" label="Understand the usage of each option\nUse the right options\nOr refine the scripts"] n9 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/third-party.html" label="Check third-party library solutions"] n10 [href="https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/issues" label="Report issue in Github\nThe minimum options to reproduce this issue\nThe simplest script without third-party package"] } s3 -> n3 [label="Yes"] s3 -> n4 [label="No"] s3 -> n5 [label="Crashed"] n3 -> s4 [label="No solution found"] s8 -> n10 [label="Still wrong"] n4 -> s4 n5 -> s4 rank=same { s1 -> n1 [label="No"] } rank=same { s2 -> n2 [label="No"] } rank=same { s4 -> n6 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s5 -> n7 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s6 -> n8 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s7 -> n9 [label="Yes"] } }
Fix issues when executing obfuscated script¶
digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] start [shape="doublecircle", label="", style="filled", fillcolor="wheat"] subgraph P0 { rankdir="TB" style="setlinewidth(0)" s1 [label="Is target device Apple M1+ ?"] s2 [label="Which Python interpreter to run the obfuscated scripts?"] } subgraph P1 { node [ style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", ] n1 [label="Check extension pyarmor_runtime.so by codesign"] n2 [href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topic/obfuscated-script.html" label="Check doc to understand obfuscated scripts"] n3 [href="https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/issues" label="Report issue in Github\nThe minimum options to reproduce this issue\nThe simplest script without third-party package"] } start -> s1 s1 -> s2 -> n3 rank=same { s1 -> n1 [label="Yes"] } rank=same { s2 -> n2 [label="Not CPython"] } }
Fix crash issues in runtime¶
digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] start [shape="doublecircle", label="", style="filled", fillcolor="wheat"] subgraph P0 { rankdir="TB" style="setlinewidth(0)" s2 [label="In build device, do not obfuscate scripts\npack the plain scripts by Pyinstaller directly\nThen run the final bundle in target device\nDoes it work?"] s3 [label="In build device, do not use option --pack\nOnly obfuscate scripts\nThen run the obfuscated scripts in target device\nDoes it work?"] s4 [label="In build device, try fewer options\nUse the minimu options to pack scripts\nThen run the final bundle in target device\nDoes it work?"] s5 [ style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topic/repack.html" label="Refer to doc about packing topic\nPack the scripts by fewer options"] s6 [label="Try to pack one hello-world script\nThen run it in target device\nDoes is work?"] s2 -> s3 -> s4 -> s5 s4 -> s6 [label="Error", tailport=se] } subgraph P2 { node [ style="filled,rounded", fillcolor="burlywood", ] n1 [ href="https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/usage.html" label="Please refer to PyInstaller doc\nMake sure PyInstaller could pack the plain scripts\nAnd the final bundle works in target device"] n2 [ href="how-to.html#run-obfuscated-script-issue" label="Please check how to fix running obfuscated script issues"] n3 [ href="https://pyarmor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/how-to/third-party.html" label="Please check third-party library compatibility"] n4 [ href="https://github.com/dashingsoft/pyarmor/issues" label="Report issue in Github\nThe minimum options to reproduce this issue\nThe simplest script without third-party package"] } start -> s2 s6 -> n3 rank=same { s2 -> n1 [label="Error"] } rank=same { s3 -> n2 [label="Error"] } rank=same { s6 -> n4 [label="Error"] } }
Fix issues when executing packed bundle¶