
pyarmor init

Create Project

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] opts [shape=record label="{-C|-s|-r|-x}"] init [label="pyarmor init"] conf [label="Config file: .pyarmor/config"] init -> opts [label="By options" dir=back arrowtail=curve] rank=same { init -> conf [label="Save to"] } }

Create Project

Append Project Item

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] opts [shape=record label="{-e|-m|-p}"] init [label="pyarmor init"] conf [label="Config file: .pyarmor/config"] init -> opts [label="By options" dir=back arrowtail=curve] rank=same { init -> conf [label="Save to"] } }

Append Project Item

pyarmor env

Show Project Information

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] init [label="pyarmor env -p info"] conf [label="Config file: .pyarmor/config"] info [label="Project Information"] rank=same { conf -> init [label="Read" arrowhead=curve] } init -> info [label="Print"] }

Show Project Information

Update Project

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] opts [label="Project Options" href="../../docs/en/configuration.html"] env [label="pyarmor env -p set opt value"] conf [label="Config file: .pyarmor/config"] env -> opts [dir=back arrowtail=curve] rank=same { env -> conf [label="Write"] } }

Update Project

pyarmor build

List Project Scripts

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] conf [label="Config file: .pyarmor/config" href="../../docs/en/configuration.html"] build [label="pyarmor build --list"] items [label="Print all script name in project"] conf -> build [label="Read" arrowhead=curve] build -> items [label="Search files by project"] }

List Project Scripts

Build RFT Script

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] build [label="pyarmor build --rft" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] join1 [shape=point] items [label="Process each script"] conf [label="Project file: .pyarmor/config 中"] rules [shape=plaintext label="Got RFT options from:\n.pyarmor/config"] autofix [shape=plain label="Got autofix rules from:\n.pyarmor/project/rft_autofix.rules"] p1 [label="Apply refactor rulers"] rft [label="Generate RFT Script"] build -> join1 join1 -> conf [dir=none] join1 -> items [label="Get all scripts in project"] items -> p1 rank=same { p1 -> rft } p1 -> rules [arrowtail=curve dir=back] p1 -> autofix [arrowtail=curve dir=back] }

Build RFT Script

Refactor complex script by autofix mode

There are 3 autofix mode

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] build [label="pyarmor build --autofix 1" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] join1 [shape=point] items [label="Process each script"] conf [label="Project file: \n.pyarmor/config"] rules [shape=plaintext label="Got RFT options from:\n.pyarmor/config"] autofix [shape=component style="filled" fillcolor="tan" label="Generate autofix rules to\n.pyarmor/project/rft_autofix.rules\nDo not rename all unknown attributes"] p1 [label="Apply refactor rules"] rft [label="Try to refactor script\nIf not sure to rename one attribute\nRecord it to unknown attribute list"] loop [label="Merge all unknown attribute list"] build -> join1 join1 -> conf [dir=none] join1 -> items [label="Get all scripts in project"] items -> p1 rank=same { p1 -> rft } p1 -> rules [arrowtail=curve dir=back] rft -> loop -> autofix rebuild [style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat" label="Rebuild project\npyarmor build --rft"] test [label="Run RFT script\npython dist/"] fb [label="Does it raise AttributeError?"] f2 [label="Exclude this attribute:\npyarmor env -p push rft:exclude_names xxxx"] autofix -> rebuild -> test -> fb fb -> f2 [label="AttributeError is raised"] f2 -> rebuild [label="Loop until there is no error" headport=e tailport=e] }

Refactor Complex Script Autofix Mode 1

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] build [label="pyarmor build --autofix 2" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] join1 [shape=point] items [label="Process each script"] conf [label="Project file: \n.pyarmor/config"] rules [shape=plaintext label="Got RFT options from:\n.pyarmor/config"] p1 [label="Apply refactor rules"] rft [label="Try to refactor scripts\nIf not sure to rename one attribute\nRecord it to Unknown Attribute Table"] u1 [label="Read all builtin types and\nExternal types defined in the RFT options"] un [label="Merge all attributes of \nboth external types and builtin types\nGet External Attribute Table"] u1 -> un autofix [shape=component style="filled" fillcolor="tan" label="Generate autofix rules to\n.pyarmor/project/rft_autofix.rules\nDo not rename intersection of \nUnknown Attributes and External Attributes\nRename all the other unknown attributes"] un -> autofix build -> join1 join1 -> conf [dir=none] join1 -> items [label="Get all scripts in project"] items -> p1 rank=same { p1 -> rft [dir=normal] } p1 -> rules [arrowtail=curve dir=back] rft -> autofix rebuild [style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat" label="Rebuild project:\npyarmor build --rft"] test [label="Run RFT script:\npython dist/"] fb [label="Does it raise AttributeError?"] f1 [label="If this attribute has been renamed\nSearch it in .pyarmor/project/rft_autofix.rules\nGet the original attribute"] f2 [label="Exclude the original attribute:\npyarmor env -p push rft:exclude_names xxxx"] f3 [label="Advanced way"] f4 [label="Check autofix log by Emacs org-mode:\n.pyarmor/"] f5 [label="Look through each attribute in the log\nIf this attribute shouldn't be rename\nAppend it to RFT options:\npyarmor env -p push external_attrs XXXX"] f6 [label="Restart\npyarmor build --autofix 2" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] autofix -> rebuild -> test -> fb fb -> f1 [label="AttributeError is raised"] f1 -> f2 [label="Simple way"] f2 -> rebuild [label="Loop until there is no error" tailport=e] f1 -> f3 -> f4 -> f5 -> f6 }

Refactor Complex Script Autofix Mode 2

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] build [label="pyarmor build --autofix 3" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] join1 [shape=point] items [label="Process each script"] conf [label="Project file: \n.pyarmor/config"] rules [shape=plaintext label="Got RFT options from:\n.pyarmor/config"] p1 [label="Apply refactor rules"] rft [label="Try to refactor scripts"] n1 [label="Iter each type defined in the project\nGenerate Internal Attribute Table"] n2 [label="If not sure to rename one attribute\nRecord it to Unknown Attribute Table"] autofix [shape=component style="filled" fillcolor="tan" label="Generate autofix rules to\n.pyarmor/project/rft_autofix.rules\nRename all names in Internal Attribute Table"] autolog [shape=box style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="tan" label="Generate autofix log:\n.pyarmor/project/"] build -> join1 join1 -> conf [dir=none] join1 -> items [label="Get scripts in the project"] items -> p1 rank=same { p1 -> rft } p1 -> rules [arrowtail=curve dir=back] rft -> n1 -> autofix rft -> n2 [tailport=e] n2 -> autolog m1 [label="Create RFT rules manually"] autolog -> m1 [label="Look through autofix log"] m1 -> autofix [label="Append rules"] rebuild [style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat" label="Rebuild project:\npyarmor build --rft"] test [label="Run RFT script:\npython dist/"] fb [label="Does it raise AttributeError?"] autofix -> rebuild -> test -> fb fb -> m1 [label="AttributeError is raised"] }

Refactor Complex Script Autofix Mode 3

Build Mini Script

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] build [label="pyarmor build --mini" style="filled,rounded" fillcolor="wheat"] join1 [shape=point] items [label="Process each script"] conf [label="Project file: .pyarmor/config"] mini [label="Generate Mini Script"] build -> join1 join1 -> conf [dir=none] join1 -> items [label="Get all scripts in the project"] items -> mini }

Build Mini Script