
Pyarmor CLI

Pyarmor CLI is command line tool to generate the obfuscated scripts

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] package [label="Python package: pyarmor.cli\nPublished in the PyPI" href=""] install [label="In build device installing command `pyarmor`\npip install pyarmor.cli"] pyarmor [label="Execute command `pyarmor` to do everyting"] package -> install -> pyarmor }

Pyarmor CLI Life Cycle


digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] subgraph C { cluster=true label="Sub-Commands" style="setlinewidth(0)" init [label="pyarmor init", href="commands.html#cmd-init"] env [label="pyarmor env", href="commands.html#cmd-env"] build [label="pyarmor build", href="commands.html#cmd-build"] } }

Functional Relationship

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] init [label="pyarmor init", href="commands.html#cmd-init"] env [label="pyarmor env", href="commands.html#cmd-env"] build [label="pyarmor build", href="commands.html#cmd-build"] project [label="Project", href="concepts.html#project"] miniscript [label="Mini Script", href="concepts.html#mini-script"] rftscript [label="RFT Script", href="concepts.html#rft-script"] license [shape=component, label="Pyarmor License", href=""] joint [shape=point] init -> project [label="Create"] env -> project [label="Configure"] project -> build [label="Scripts and options"] build -> miniscript [label="Generate"] joint -> rftscript [label="Generate"] build -> joint [arrowhead=none, tailport=se] license -> joint [label="Unlock RFT feature", arrowhead=none] }

Functional Relationship


Project is set of scripts and options

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] rankdir="LR" subgraph C { cluster=true label="Project" scripts [label="Scripts", href="project.html"] modules [label="Modules", href="project.html"] package [label="Packages", href="project.html"] rftoptions [label="Refactor Options", shape=oval, href="project.html#rft-options"] } edge [style=invis] scripts -> modules -> package -> rftoptions }

Obfuscated Scripts

digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] rankdir="LR" subgraph C { cluster=true label="Obfuscated Scripts" style="setlinewidth(0)" std [label="Std Script", href=""] rft [label="RFT Script", href="concepts.html#rft-script"] mini [label="Mini Script", href="concepts.html#mini-script"] } edge [style=invis] std -> rft -> mini }

Table-1. Comparison of Different Scripts

Script Type

Security [1]

Performance [2]

Need Extension [3]


Std Script




Could bind scripts to device or expired

Mini Script



High execution speed, suitable for web services

RFT Script




Only rename most variables/classes/functions etc. in the original script


Mini Script

Mini Script consists of one common Python script and an extension

For example, there is one script like this


The corresponding Mini Script would be

from pyarmor_mini import __pyarmor__
__pyarmor__(__name__, b'xxxx')

It’s one common Python script, but need import one extra module pyarmor_mini which could be installed by this way:

$ pip install

RFT Script

RFT Scripts is same as original Python scripts, only variables/classes/functions etc. are renamed

For example, there is one script like this

 1def plusinc(m, n=1):
 2        return m + n + 1
 3a = plusinc
 4b = a
 5n = b(1, n=2)
 7def hello():
 8    return b(3, n=4)
10print('result is', n + hello())

The corresponding RFT Script would be

1def pyarmor__3(pyarmor__1, pyarmor__2=1):
2    return pyarmor__1 + pyarmor__2 + 1
3pyarmor__4 = pyarmor__3
4pyarmor__5 = pyarmor__4
5pyarmor__2 = pyarmor__5(1, pyarmor__2=2)
7def pyarmor__6():
8    return pyarmor__5(3, pyarmor__2=4)
9print('result is', pyarmor__2 + pyarmor__6())