========= Project ========= .. highlight:: console Project is used to manage scripts and options .. graphviz:: :caption: Project Life Cycle :align: center :name: graph-project-lifecycle digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] project [label="Project", shape=hexagon, style="filled", fillcolor="burlywood"] init [label="pyarmor init", href="commands.html#cmd-init"] env [label="pyarmor env", href="commands.html#cmd-env"] info [label="pyarmor env -p info", href="commands.html#cmd-env"] list [label="pyarmor build --list", href="commands.html#cmd-build"] genrft [label="pyarmor build --rft", href="commands.html#cmd-build"] genmini [label="pyarmor build --mini", href="commands.html#cmd-build"] c1 [label="Project data is stored in the file `.pyarmor/config`\nRelated files is stored in the path `.pyarmor/project/`" shape=plain] init -> project [taillabel="Create"] env -> project [taillabel="Update"] rank=same { project -> info [label="Show project information"] } rank=same { list -> project [label="List all the scripts in project", dir=back] } project -> genrft [label="Generate Mini Script"] project -> genmini [label="Generate RFT Script"] c1 -> project [dir=none] } Project Attributes ================== .. graphviz:: :caption: Project Attributes :align: center :name: g-project-options digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] rankdir=LR project [shape=record label="src|scripts|modules|packages|search_mode|recursive" href="../../docs/en/user/configutation.html"] rft [label="RFT Options", href="project.html#rft-options"] edge [style=invis] project -> rft } .. _rft-options: RFT Options ----------- .. graphviz:: :align: center :name: g-project-rft-options digraph G { node [shape=box, style=rounded, target="_top"] rankdir=LR rft [shape=record label="remove_assert|remove_docstr|builtin_mode|argument_mode|export_mode|exclude_names|exclude_funcs|attr_rules|call_rules|extra_builtins|external_types|external_attrs" href="../../docs/en/user/configutation.html#rft-section"] }