3. Tutorials
In this tutorials, all the examples are based on this folder structure:
├── foo.py
├── fibo.py
├── jsontool.py
└── tomjson/
├── __init__.py
├── encoder.py
├── decoder.py
└── scanner.py
Unless specified, the default directory in this tutorial is:
$ cd project/src/
3.1. Install & Register Pyarmor
Pyarmor is published in PyPI, install it by pip:
$ pip install pyarmor.cli
Some features need purchase Pyarmor license which could unlock RFT mode
3.2. Generate RFT Script
How to generate RFT Script for one simple script foo.py?
First create one project which only include one script foo.py:
$ pyarmor init -e foo.py
Then build this project with target --rft
$ pyarmor build --rst
It will generate final script in the default path dist, check it:
$ cat dist/foo.py
Run it:
$ python dist/foo.py
3.3. Generate Complex RFT Script
For simple script, it’s enough by default options. But for complex scripts, it need extra options
Let’s take another script fibo.py. First create one project for it also:
$ pyarmor init --clean -e fibo.py
When building the project, there are warnings:
$ pyarmor build --rft
WARNING There are variables of unknown type
WARNING There are function calls which may use unknown arguments
It will raise exception when executing the output script:
$ python dist/fibo.py
AttributeError: 'pyarmor__7' object has no attribute 'run'
Pyarmor also supports auto-fix mode to make it works by simple and rough way:
$ pyarmor build --autofix 1
After that, build the project and test it again:
$ pyarmor build --rft
$ python dist/fibo.py
If need disable auto-fix mode, run this command:
$ pyarmor build --autofix 0
Then build project again:
$ pyarmor build --rft
3.4. Generate Mini Script
First install package pyarmor.mini:
$ pip install pyarmor.mini
We will still use the project created in the previous example and generate Mini Script with the same configuration:
$ pyarmor build --mini
Check the obfuscated script:
$ cat dist/fibo.py
Run it:
$ python dist/fibo.py
Mini Script is almost same as .pyc file in irreversibility. So usually it’s better to combine Mini Script and RFT Script by the following command:
$ pyarmor build --mini-rft
Generally, first generate RFT Script and make it works, then call above command to generate combined script.
3.5. Publish Mini Script
When publishing Mini Script, it need package pyarmor.mini too.
Or install package pyarmor.mini in the target machine:
$ pip install pyarmor.mini
Note that now only the following platforms support Mini Script
linux.x86_64, darwin.x86_64, windows.x86_64
linux.aarch64, darwin.arm64
3.5.1. Support Freethreading
Mini Script supports freethreading in Python 3.13+
Just using free-threaded Python interpreter to install package pyarmor.mini, for example:
$ python3.13t -m pip install pyarmor.mini
Make sure pip >=24.1, it will install free-threaded extension pyarmor_minit with suffix t, the installed wheel tag includes cp3.13t
3.6. Refactor Package
First create one project with package tomjson:
$ pyarmor init --clean -p tomjson
Because the package will be imported by outer scripts, the exported classes and functions can’t be renamed
In order to keep these names, one way is to enable option export_mode:
$ pyarmor env -p set rft:export_mode 1
Thus all the names list in the module attribute __all__
aren’t changed, and
If this is one class, no rename all the attributes and methods
If this is one function, no rename function arguments
Then build this package:
$ pyarmor build --rft
3.7. Create Complex Project
Let’s create one comple project, include one script jsontool.py and package tomjson, but no fibo.py and path venv:
$ pyarmor init --clean --src . -r --exclude fibo.py --exclude venv
Pyarmor will search all the files and paths in the --src
, all of them except in the excludes will be added into the project.
Check the project items:
$ pyarmor build --list
Refactor this project:
$ pyarmor build --rft
Run the final script:
$ python dist/jsontool.py
3.8. Advanced Refactor
The major problem for complex scripts is to raise AttributeError. For example:
AttributeError: 'pyarmor__7' object has no attribute 'run'
Let’s look at one example script fibo.py, there are the following lines:
def fib(obj, n):
obj.name = 'fibo'
obj.value = n
return obj.result
The problem is that the argument obj type is unknown.
The simple way to fix this issue is to exclude these attributes. For example:
$ pyarmor env -p push rft:exclude_names name value run
The second way is annotation by updating script. For example:
def fib(obj: QuickFibo, n):
obj.name = 'fibo'
obj.value = n
return obj.result
The third way is to set rules to rename the attributes. For examle, this rule tell Pyarmor to rename all the attributes of obj which in the module fibo and function fib:
$ pyarmor env -p push rft:attr_rules "fibo::fib:obj.*"